The design program for this complex Renovation/Addition was expansion of the existing Hospice facility from a 6-suite facility to 10-suites with the installation of a new main entrance, new commercial kitchen, geo-thermal HVAC system, and many other patient and client amenities.
The Project consisted of constructing four additions, with renovations, and included selective demolition of existing interior partitions, exterior walls, finishes, fixtures, mechanical systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems and complete roofing replacement as shown.
The project added four new guest suites, a new main entrance and vestibule and reception area, new dining and sitting areas for family members, a new commercial kitchen, expanded laundry facility, expanded storage and staging areas, additional family support rooms, additional nursing support areas, and storage for clean and soiled supplies.
The continuous operation of the Hospice facility throughout the entire construction period was critical to the success of the project and required significant coordination of Harper & Sons and Hospice staff to ensure safe access and operations. A condition of the project was to always maintain no less than five operational guest suites during the construction period.
The Hospice operations are governed by State standards which required continuous electric, HVAC, water, sanitary, cooking, bathing, laundry services, and backup power generation. Therefore, all utility or service interruptions were carefully coordinated and scheduled with Hospice staff, and kept to shortest durations possible.
The project was originally planned to be constructed in three phases, however due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first phase, Harper & Sons and Hospice staff coordinated a revised 5-Phase plan to keep the facility in operation.
Remarkably, the project was completed with the full-scope of work during one of the most challenging periods in the construction industry, with less than 1% of contract as change orders
Services: New Site Development
Quick Notes
- Location: Centreville, MD
- Additions SF: 2,462
- Renovations SF: 12,208
- Design: Hammond Wilson Architects